Wednesday, January 8, 2014

52 Week Devotion Week 2 January 8, 2014

God's Plans

Tomorrow is a hard day for me. Tomorrow it will be five years ago that I gave birth to an amazing little boy his name is Ethin and he came into this world with half a heart. He would also go home to Jesus far before I thought it was time. I am not telling you this to hear you say I am sorry as I promise none are more sorry than I am. I am sharing this to write this weeks devotion as well as for you to have a better understanding of how I learned in 6 months and the years that would follow my son's whole life that God's grace is sufficient and His plans are worth following!

In the months that my son was alive he endured a plethra of surgeries and other medical procedures. There was a point in that time when I ran crying to the top of the parking garage and fell to my knees crying and begging God to save my son. Even more so I uttered the words, “God why have you forsaken me what did I do to deserve this!” In those moments I remember physically being cold, wet, and exhausted as well as emotionally and mentally beaten down, confused, and inconsolable. However there was a sudden warmth and I walked off the roof with a whole new attitude and dry knees......Just sayin the dry knees should have been impossible it was April in Ann Arbor, MI. Ahh that is right nothing is impossible with God!

As it would go I knew at that moment a number of things:
  1. My life would forever be different
  2. Ethin was on very borrowed time
  3. I would never regret taking to many pictures
  4. God was my strength
  5. And most importantly that God did not forsake me nor did He ever leave me!

God's plans are always far different than ours. I had a son that was conceived out of pure sin to come here and teach me to FULLY RELY ON GOD! Now understand that I know God did not make my son sick and God did not kill my son. However God did use something that satan tried to use to ploy me from my Father for His good. Look at what I am writing today! God used Ethin continually to show me in those months to trust Him and His plans. In the years that have followed I honestly know if God could carry me through what I honestly can tell you is Hell on Earth than there is nothing I can not trust Him with.

I have learned to trust God with all of my heart, my children, my finances, literally everything even where I attend church. I learned to pray more meaningfully and to listen for God's reply; which my friends is not always audible!

If you have a chance in the next week please sit and think about the last five years of your life and make a list of the areas or things in your life where you know God's Grace was sufficient and His plan hard/easy as it was, how it changed your life for better! I promise you that I have bad days, but I know my life is so much better off trusting him to guide my life!

Jeremiah 29:11, Joshua 1:9, Acts 20:24, Joshua 1:5

Blessings and Love,

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