Sunday, January 5, 2014

I Resolve........

Resolve- the trait of being resolute; firmness of purpose (N), Make clearly visible (V)

A new year is another chapter that is 365 days long of a new chapter you get to write in your book of life. You can resolve to change things or continue to do what you have done; this much is up to you. However I believe whole heartedly that it is essential to start this chapter with a resolution to recommit yourself to God your Father and Creator. While this is your life, it is Him in you that will see you through this year. To often we want to change our appearance, finances, relationships, jobs, and so on. I am a firm believer though that what we need to be doing is resolving to trust Him more, cry to Him, go to Him. God calls us His children and He wants to supply for our needs and collect our tears. He wants to get us through the tough stuff that may sneak upon us through this new chapter we call 2014. So instead of worrying about changing and resolving to make changes by yourself I encourage you to resolve to find Him. If you have already found Him then recommit yourself to Him and allow Him in you to make changes. This is my resolution for the year and I will sign this as a promise to myself and to my Father that I resolve to be better because of Him and what He has done for me and what He has given me; and that my friends, is the eternal hope of life everlasting!!!

I _____________________________________ Resolve these things on January ____, 2014
I resolve to put God first in my home, work, and everyday life and relationships. (Joshua 24:15)
I resolve to seek Him in ALL the things I do and say. (Matthew 6:33-34)
I resolve to be the type of woman that God calls me to be. (Romans 12:9-21)
I resolve to find my worth & beauty the way He sees my worth & beauty. (1Peter 3:3)
I resolve to allow His control in my life to lead my way. (Psalm 119:105)
I resolve to pray for my children, family, and friends. (Romans 12:12)
I resolve to be more humble to think of myself less. (Philippians 2:3-5)
I resolve to grow more in His grace through reading, praying, meditating, studying, and attending church. (2 Peter 3:18)
I resolve to teach my kids more and more about God. (Luke 18:16)
I resolve to be more careful with the words that are coming out of my mouth. (Ecclesiastes 10:12 & Matthew 15:11)
I resolve to proclaim my Creator God the Father as the Lord of my life and His son Jesus Christ as my personal Savior! (Romans 10:9)


Now that we have resolved our lives to God look back at the definitions I gave you for the word....Gives me chills friends what an awesome thing to be firm in purpose for my Father and to make it clearly visible to others! Oh Yes friends we got this, yes we do!

With Hope and Love for the New Year,

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