Saturday, February 15, 2014

Counting it Joy

So the other day I was driving into work like I do 10 days a week, (Yes I know there are only 7 days) and I was going in extra early to help out third shift (I work 1st).  On the drive I suddenly started to feel led to begin really speaking about some Bible verses in James.  
James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 
Well in the last 5 plus years of my life I have come to know when I can hear God telling me to do something. I am certain He somehow wants me to share out loud, but since this is my only avenue I am going to share here.
Count it pure joy really???  I am thinking that at first glance this has got to be a joke or something.  There is no way I can count some of the things that have happened as pure joy!  Specifically there is no way I can ever count it pure joy that I am 30 and living with one of my children in Heaven.  There is no way God is talking to me with these verses.  Kinda like, "Hello God you have the wrong person here!"  The truth is He does not have the wrong person here at all.
Ethin left this world in 2009, but when that happened he became whole and healthy and that is something to be joyful about.  And if we really read the rest of these verses all that is said in them is also true.  Having and losing Ethin tested every fiber of my faith!  It tested every bit of my relationship God and it made me question whether or not Jesus ever really came and died for me or anyone else.  I questioned my whole life and my entire belief system.
Thankfully when we question God's existence or His authority He will show you truth.  Once I was shown His truth I came back into my faith very slowly and warily as I was skeptical.  However I came to understand that I was angry at God when I needed to be angry with satan.  As my anger shifted and eventually subsided I began to live again.  Very slowly, but it happened.  
Then I began to be fully alive in Him and living in this world with a truth to share.  This is where the testing of my faith produced perseverance.  It did not happen over night and I believe it will always be happening in a small way.  However perseverance did take almost 5 years for me to be writing this message to you telling you that my faith is matured and it is not lacking.  
God used so many trials that satan put in my life to bring me to Him.  He loves us so much that He uses everything!  He then uses us to help others too.  I am not saying I am perfect or mature, (Many would argue I am not mature) but I am saying my faith is mature and unwavering and that is an area that we all should want to persevere to.  My faith stands strong in a God that I know loves me and wants me.  He has plans for me and needed me to mature in Him and keep my faith in Him to get to where I am going; to follow His will for my life!  
Oh friends I know that there are trials that we face that it is so hard to not be angry with God, blame Him, or even just throw our hands up.....But count it Joy find the joy in the trials you are facing.  I am telling you that if it is a trial God is standing there ready to walk through it with you and carry you if need be.  Find the joy in all things!  Even if it is years later there is joy in it all.

With a Joyful Heart,

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Dear God It's Me Again.....Week 6 2014

Dear God, It's me again........It's OK He loves that it is you AGAIN!

Did you pray today? I ask my kids this question daily. Seems simple enough and seems none would forget. My children like myself and many others forget to pray. However there comes a point for me that it is beyond prayer and became me talking to my Father. My oldest daughter has hit this point. She also has hit the point where her life becomes busy and she forgets to pray to Him.

Prayer is our way to communicate with God. It is right to give Him thanks and praise; when we pray are we praying this way? Are we thanking Him for the blessings we have or are we to busy asking Him for what we do not? When we pray are we asking His will or simply telling Him our will? Praying is far more than just asking for the things and outcomes we want.

Keeping a prayer list is always handy. This helps you to take the focus of yourself and onto others when praying. Start your list with the simple stuff. I always try to remember when I am praying to ask for God's will not my own. That whatever the answer I will glorify Him. Always thank Him for the day you had.

My challenge to you this week is to start a paryer list. As you add to your prayer list as prayers are answered put a date by them so you can also see God's mercy and grace through your prayers! God is good all the time and all the time God is good!

With a Praying Heart,


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Here is Why

I can hardly believe that a month of me blogging and sharing this journey is almost done.  Recently I have had a few people ask why I am doing this or what has inspired me to share again what this journey has been like for me.  So I thought I would share a little bit more of the journey I have been on and why I am looking back and sharing as I move forward.

First of all I am doing this for the simple fact that I know God is asking me to do so.  Not only do I know this is His desire for me, but it is His desire for others to grow in Him through the words He places in my heart to share.  The other reason for doing this is for others to see God's unconditional love, mercy, and grace.  If I went through all of what I have and continue to feel the tremors of the earthquake satan put in my life, but can still walk firmly in Jesus than maybe that will give just one other person hope.  Maybe I was feeling the need to do this because God has plans to use it to help another grieving parent to rely on Him fully.  There is a lot of maybe's, but ultimately I felt in my heart God pulling and talking to me and so here I am almost five years from the earthquake standing firm and strong.

The inspiration I am not sure is all that inspirational.  Clearly I have the scarlet letter of losing a child and knowing the rest of my Earthly life will always have an ache for Ethin.  However there is inspiration beyond that.  I lost my son and lost myself including my relationships with so many people and most importantly Jesus.  Yet here I am years later........You see it is possible to be so hurt that it seems you may never step out from the darkness and then one day you realize you are living in His light again.  My Father and Creator is my inspiration and the hope that my words will help others.

The looking back part of doing this again has been the hardest.  It has at times even been painful.  Today after work I was talking with some office ladies and I teared up just a little when I talked a little bit about finding out Ethin was going to be born with half a heart.  It was so weird as I am not even sure these poor ladies knew I had another child outside of the J Triplets.  As quick as the hurt was stinging my heart it was gone and we continued to talk.  I suppose I have a bit of explaining to do so they understand.......The hardest part is the understanding for me and for me to relay to others.

So the other day I was looking back at some original things I had wrote after Ethin had been gone for a few months and I was in so much pain.  When I look back I so badly want to reach my hand out to the mother who wrote those words and embrace her (myself) and tell her that it is going to be so different, but she will survive.  I survived!  My hope is in Him and through Him I have survived.  So many people thought I was not going to make it this far, but not only did I make it, but I am living a good and meaningful life.

If someone would have told me five years ago that I would have a good life I would have told them that they were crazy.  I would have cried and been so angry that they did not understand.  In the time since Ethin was born and died I have grown.  I have overcome obstacles and I have faced trials, but I am standing on this side of the fence telling you that God carried me the whole way.  So when you think to ask me why I am doing this why I am sharing the feelings and the life I am living it is to not only remember Ethin and know others think of him still too, but it is to bring people closer to the man that saved me; Jesus.

Standing Beyond the Earthquake,

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

January 29, 2014

1 Peter 3:3-4
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

Beauty is a funny thing. Most people view beauty as the way you look on the outside. We need to get past that way of thinking. Understand that our Father does not create ugly. We are all beautiful, but God views our beauty from the inside. So on the outside you have a few wrinkles, pimples, or maybe a few stray hairs. On the inside that is where your true beauty lies. That is also where God sees you best and sees Himself in you.

The devil is constantly calling us. He uses whatever he can to draw us away from God. It is the world that allows such a way of thinking that we can physically look at someone and decide if they are beautiful or not. satan fills us with doubt when he makes us believe that we are ugly and unlovable. Friends, our Father created us in His sight. Like any parent He sees the good in us all the time and loves us unconditionally. He sees us as beautiful from the inside out. God does not care what we look like on the outside, rather who we are on the inside!

My challenge for you this week is to let go of something that you use to physically enhance yourself. If it is makeup, a hair straightener, heels, certain cothes, ect. For one week withhold from making yourself appear prettier on the outside and work at something that changes your heart on the inside! Let your true beauty shine through!

With No Makeup,


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day Late Sorry!!!

January 22, 2014

Being the Woman God Calls Me to Be

Romans 12:9-21

God has made it clear how we are to act/be and you can find verses throughout the Bible that state these points. I am referring to the verses in Romans today as that is what we used in our reolution at the beginning of the year. If you read through the verses in Romans it seems simple enough, but really let's admit that walking in His light and in His commands is not always easy. So please understand and know now that God knows we will stumble that is why He sent us Jesus. He sent us a Savior knowing we needed one!

The verses in Roman are spelled out pretty clearly when broken down. I would encourage you to break them down into pieces and study them this week. I am going to focus on just a few things about being the woman and person God calls us to be!

Our Father is all knowing! Which in my very personal opinion makes Him much smarter than I could ever be. He has plans for us and all we have to do is be willing to be open to His plans rather than our own ideas. Part of His plans is for us to be Christ-like. Practice certain things daily; love, hospitality, prayer, joy, peace, longsuffering, and so on. Ultimately if it is good than it is the way God commands us to be!

I am not saying it is easy to follow God's way of how we are to act, but we can certainly put our best foot forward! In the next week pick out one and really focus at doing that one thing. After you have mastered that one thing then try another. Before you know it you will be practicing all of them!

With Much Joy,


Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I am not sure why I feel so inclined to share this......

So the weeks and now the years following Ethin's death I learned a lot of things.  Some of what I learned took no time at all while other bits of what I learned have taken me this much time.  The biggest things I have learned I have learned the hard way.  

It has always been said that people do not know what to say or do following the death of a child.  This is a true statement.  However another true statement is that people will never know what to say years later.  I am going to indulge in some "Do's & Don't's"  Someone gave me a list once (Which I shared) and they are good, but I have some more......

My List..............
Talk with me about my child even if it has been years.  I still want to talk about him, he is still my child, and I need to share him still!  Ask me about him.  If the timing is such that I can not talk about it I will say so.  If it tears me up that is OK.  It is OK, because I loved him so much.  Besides those tears are God's way of helping wash my eyes.....
On his birthday just let me know you are there.  I do not need anything elaborate it is his birthday not mine, but it is a super hard day.  However do not get offended if you offer to be there with me and I tell you that I would rather just be alone.  
On his death day.....This is a tough one.....First of all be patient with me, hug me, let me cry, and let me be alone if I make it clear I need that for a few moments.  On this day I typically do not want to be all alone all day.  
When the weather is nice and it seems that God is wrapping His arms around us with the warm sunlight offer to go to the cemetery with me.  
Take pictures that make you think of my son and share them with me.  It always makes me smile when other people think of him when I am not around.
For me personally please do not tell me that you are sorry.  Truth is I know you are sorry, but so am I.  Also truth is I heard sorry so much I just can not hear it again.  Oh and naturally when one says sorry the other says it's OK I forgive you......This is not your fault to be sorry for nor mine to forgive you.  

Here's an afterthought of what I went through right away.....By the way this was awful!   Right after Ethin died and I mean immediately from the time I got the call until about three weeks later I was surrounded.  I was surrounded by everyone that cared and wanted me to be OK.  However rather than everyone slowly stepping back I seriously can not tell you how bad it was that one day everyone was around and then the next day seriously there was no one!  So my advice is coordinate with others that are surrounding the bereaved parents so that they are not suddenly all alone.  Weird as it sounds I am telling you it happened to me.  It was like one moment I could not even think with all the mother hens over me and the next I was so alone I was afraid to move!   

The list of the ones I received shortly after Ethin passed away are below.  Hoping this helps you if you know someone who lost a child recently or even years from now.


DO: accept the simple fact that it is not possible for you to say things that will make the bereaved parent feel better. This acceptance will enable you to stop when you become tempted to utter clichés that you have heard all of your life that are intended to comfort, but in reality they don't accomplish this. Do know that when you make the initial call, the bereaved parent does not expect you to be able to take their hurt away, or to fully understand the depth of their despair and pain.

DON'T: say "I know how you feel" unless you, yourself, have experienced the loss of a child. Though it is possible for you to empathize with them, the death of their child cannot be compared to the loss of your parents, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother or dog. This is not to say you haven't experienced pain with these losses, but they are different losses. Bereaved parents have trouble accepting "I know how you feel" from anyone other than another bereaved parent.

DO: feel free to touch them, to hug and cry with them if these expressions are appropriate to your relationship with the parent. Tell them that you care about their pain and that you are sorry their child died. A simple hug can say more than a thousand words.

DON'T: think you are complimenting them by telling them "how well" they're doing a few months down the road. They're not doing well. Their child has died and inside they feel they are dying too. You would feel the same if it were your child. You may feel more comfortable dealing with them if they're "doing well", but trying to rush them through the grief process doesn't work and it angers them to sense that you don't understand their pain, the length and depth of it, and are expecting more from them then they're capable of early in their grief.

DO: tell them that you don't understand the WHY of it either. Those "Why's" especially the unanswerable ones, are difficult for many parents to deal with. They need to be able to ask WHY, and to have time to accept there might never be an answer.

DON'T: impose "shoulds" or "should nots". There are no rules and regulations, nor are there right and wrong ways to grieve. There is your way and my way, and though they may be totally different, neither is wrong. Society, over the years has tried to impose its own rules, rules often drawn to make it easier for society to cope with the threat of someone else's loss. You may think you know exactly how you would react if your child should die, but you would be amazed to find that the rules that once seemed so appropriate no longer apply. There are as many ways of expressing grief as there are people expressing it..

DO: mention their child by name. It is comforting for bereaved parents to know that others remember their child, too. Some people avoid mentioning the child's name for fear it will remind the parent of their loss. For a long time the parents can think of nothing but their loss, so that shouldn't be a worry for you. If tears come, then they needed to cry, and the tears may be tears of gratitude that you have given them the opportunity to share their child with you. If you have a good memory of their child, share it. It will make their day. A parent's greatest fear is that no one will remember their child, and if the child's name is never mentioned, or the subject avoided, it is a natural conclusion. Why should you , whose children are alive, have the right to reminisce about the past, while those, whose child is dead, are denied that right? Memories are all that parents have left and those memories did not die with their child.

DON'T: turn away if you unexpectedly come upon the parents. Most parents are aware you have chosen not to "see" them. Can you imagine going to the grocery store, as painful as that already is, and having several people pretend they don't see you? Can you imagine how distressing this would be? Why not, instead, approach them openly, tell them that you have been thinking of them and ask them how they are doing. Acknowledge their loss, don't pretend it didn't happen

DO: reassure the parents they did everything they could for their child, both emotionally and medically. Many feel failure and guilt because they weren't able to keep their child from harm. Small omissions or commissions loom large. It is important that you not add to these feelings of guilt by suggesting that the care given the child either at home, at the hospital or wherever, was inadequate. This only adds to their burden.

DON'T: suggest to younger parents "but you can have other children". They may or may not be ale to have another child, but it is not appropriate for you offer comfort with the thought of another child. You see, they wanted this child

DO: show your concern, do be there over the months to come on a regular basis. Allow them to tell you how they feel, and listen when they tell you. Don't tell them what you think they should be feeling. Leave them free to express anger and guilt. If you know a certain time of day is particularly difficult, do try to plan your visits to coincide with that time. Do be patient. Allow them to grieve in their own way and at their own pace. Avoid judgments and try to be accepting of the different ways in which grief can be manifested. Remember, it is better to touch and cry than to stand back and offer clichés. When all is said and done, you will be remembered not only for having been there when the need was great, but also for having known the right thing to say and do.

DON'T: remind them that they should be grateful they have other children. Children are not interchangeable. Each has his own special place, and no one child can fill the void left by another's death. You need to be aware that for a while, the parents sometimes lose their ability to nurture their surviving children. You can help by giving these children a little extra attention until life at home is on a more even keel. Siblings often feel very much alone and bewildered when the structure of their family has fallen apart.

DO: allow the grieving parent to express their feelings, if they have that need. The pain involved in letting go, the anger, frustration and guilt are all a part of the normal grieving process, leaving them empty and without purpose for a long time. Allow them to tell you how they feel. Don't tell them how you think they should feel. They just need you to listen. You aren't expected to be able to take away the hurt or to have all the answers. Talking and crying about the loss are the first steps toward recovery for some. After they have cried and talked about their loss enough, they are then free to go on to the next step in the recovery process. Your willingness to listen helps them, and isn't that your ultimate goal? Encourage them to be patient with themselves when they grow discouraged with their slow progress.

DON'T: try to find something positive about their child's death. If there is anything positive about the death, the parents will have to find it in their own time. If you are tempted to point out such things as "closer family ties," or their child is "in a better place", or "it will make the marriage stronger", don't do it. Parents hear this time and time again. It doesn't help, and instead may cause bitterness. Many marriages do not make it through the loss of a child and closer family ties are not always the outcome.

DO: know that it is difficult for the newly bereaved to reach out to you for help. Grieving is emotionally and physically draining. Just getting through the day might take more energy then they have. Let the family know you are available to be with them if it would be comforting. Conversely, when you invite the parents over, be sure to give a specific date, instead of leaving the initiative up to them. Being at ease in large crowds may take time, so plan only small gatherings, leaving them free to leave whenever the moment is right for them. If the first invitation is refused, offer another at a specific date later on. Being at parties and with other people is not going to take their mind off their loss and make them have a good time. The thought of it may make them feel guilty and be an affront to them.

DON'T: rush in and remove their child's belongings, or change their room unless the parent specifically asks you to. It takes some parents many months before they are ready to change anything. It is their right to decide what they want to keep and what they would like to share with others. You may feel they will recover faster if they face this sad task immediately, but that is not necessarily the case. Leave them alone until the time is right for them, and then help them only if they ask you to. Don't make it an issue

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

God First

The next few weeks I want to break down what we resolved to do in week one of this 52 week long devotion. So bare with me for a few weeks as we dive further into God's word and we dive further into being firm in purpose for Him and make our faith in Him visible to others!

The first thing we resolved to do was to put God first in EVERYTHING! God wants to be first in our life all the time with nothing before Him. Deuteronomy 4:24 says, "For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.” He wants you to put Him first. He wants you to Love Him with all your heart, all your mind, and with all your Strength. (Deuteronomy 6:5 & many others!) Besides what a great promise we find in Matthew 6:33; “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

When I really think about the verse in Matthew, and I put that into thought of my life, and what I have had or have, it is very clear to me that by putting God first the rest of my life seems to just fall perfectly into place according to His will and plan for my life. When I put God first I am being obedient and God rewards the obedient. Isaiah 1:19 says, “If you are willing and obedient you will eat the good things of the land.” You have to be willing to be obedient. It is a choice that we have to make to be obedient and put God first in all things!

I would like to challenge you this week to start your day with God first. I know life gets busy with work, family, and the everyday tasks of life, but I seriously think that if you can take 3 minutes every morning to just pray and ask God for His light, guidance, and strength that the day may seem to go a little easier. It is OK if you forget as God knows your heart, but just slip Him a few words and let Him know every day that He is your first thought. If you want the extra challenge go ahead and make Him the last thought before bed too and tell Him thanks for your day.  

With Love and God's Blessing, 

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Ecclesiastes 3:1-8   There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the Heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

Wow it appears that God has a time for everything.  He made me a mom so He even had a time for me to find peace and solitude by giving me the knowledge that kids go to bed in my home by 9pm!  However what drew me to these words today was thinking about all that has happened in the last 4 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 2 days, 4 hours and 5 minutes (Not that I am counting the time) since Ethin has been gone.  Time has passed and God had a time for all that I would go through to this point and beyond......

Breaking these words down and looking at them individually I can say I have not always liked God's time or timing, but I have grown in Him for it.  Ethin had a time to be born and even though I thought it was far before the time he had a time to die.  Understand that I had wanted one more child long before Ethin was born, but God's timing was for after all my kids were potty trained and in school full time.  It seemed crazy (Seriously insane!), but the timing was perfect as God answered my prayer and gave me another child.  He knew that this child would require all my attention and so it was God's perfect timing to allow me to be there almost everyday of Ethin's life.  God knew I would need that.  I never have and pry never will understand God's timing for Ethin's life to end on Earth, but I assume it was for His plans and purpose for me to grow in Him and do what He has called me to do.

As far as planting and uprooting I am not much of a gardener, but I have interpreted this in a very different light.  God's time for planting in my life started at a young age and thankfully there were people in my life who planted His words in me.  My time to uproot I see as the time when I left my abusive childhood home and I was on my own.  God's plan for me to plant continued as I continued to plant His word in my life.  While I am certain He never intended for me to uproot from Him this also happened.  It also clearly happened that I came into a time of planting again as I have never been more planted in God's word than I am now at this point in my life.  I am also confident in the fact that God's time for me to uproot is far over and I shall spend the rest of my life planting.

A time to kill and a time to heal......I hope He never has a time in mind for me to kill.  I do however see His time to heal.  Whether it has been as an EMT and helping heal sick or the healing that has happened in my life in the last four plus years (Did not think I needed to repeat the exact count) God has a time for you to heal.  You have a time to heal from every hurt imaginable.

A time to tear down and a time to build......I can and know how to help build a home and Lord knows I can tear something down!  Give me a sludge hammer and I will go to town!  However in my life the way I feel God speak to me is not physically tearing down and rebuilding.  There has been time in my life to build on God's firm foundation and a time for me to tear down the walls of false evidence that satan (I refuse to capitalize the S) has shown me.  After Ethin died I fell into his nasty trap of how could a God that claims to love me allow such bad things to happen?  Duh!!!????  There was a time to tear that thought down and build on the fact that God did not allow it to happen.  The devil is a always trying to build false walls and friends we need to tear those down and build on God's love and firm foundation!

A time to weep and a time to laugh.....This one I have always found more literal.  There are times to weep. When Lazarus died it became the shortest verse in the Bible, Jesus Wept. John 11:35 He also wept when He spoke of being disowned.  We are created in God's image and so we can weep.  However there are times to laugh.  I know that when I hear my children laugh uncontrollable with tears in their eyes I feel joy. Our Father loves to hear us laugh until we cry giving that the time to weep and laugh all at the same time! When Ethin died I wept a lot, but now I can look back and yes I still cry, but I can laugh too.  In God's perfect timing there is a time for both.

A time to mourn and a time to dance.....Oh how I wish I never felt the first.  The truth and reality is this; God knows we will mourn, but we will be comforted (Matthew 5:4).  The time of mourning has no limit, but God promises to be our Comforter in this time.  When Ethin died I mourned and still have times where I miss him and mourn over him.  Also since that time God has shown me to dance.  To dance in His light, His Love, and the life He has so graciously blessed me and the J Triplets with.  Yes there is a lot of time to dance underneath the Heavens and still miss my son!

A time to scatter stones and time to gather them......Really????  So I have this friend and she only ever gathers the stones from the river and I have been known to sit for hours and gather the "pretty" river bed with her.  She never throws them out.  I am no Bible scholar and I have never studied theology so again this is only what I feel and what I feel God saying in my heart.  Think of stones more like there is a time to scatter yourself among the world and a time to gather yourself in to regroup.  I work all day and that "scatters" me, but when I get home I relax and "gather" myself back in.  Every day I feel scattered, but I talk to God and I feel gathered back up.  Losing Ethin scattered every fiber of my being, however when I learned to go to God for comfort He began to gather me back into a whole person.

A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing......In a literal sense I am certain we are to hug and have physical contact, but if someone is tied to a bomb that could go off if they let go of the button to hug you back I am certain you should not hug that person.  Unless of course you are certain it is your time to die. There are however things on Earth we should embrace: God, love, family, friends, His word and so on. There are also things we should refrain from embracing see the commandments as those are rules for both. We should refrain from embracing the things of this Earth that will loosen our embrace on God.  While grief has a time to embrace it, trust me it has a time to let go of it too.  If you embrace it for to long you will end up where I was.....(See my background at the top of this page).

A time to search and a time to give up......I once lost my keys and I began to frantically search for them and I became overwhelmed with losing them.  I called a friend as I had hit the point of giving up the search when she said, "Let's stop looking right now and just pray!"  As it turns out we prayed and within seconds I remembered where I had left/lost them.  Yes there was a time search and a time to give up.  Here is the thing you can search on your own all you want looking for answers and reasoning, but it is when you truly give up and give it to God you will find the answer.  I searched for a reason that my son died; why my children and I lost a vital part of our family, but the reality is the only answer for this was to give up trying to figure out the why and just go on with God to lead the way and open our lives to what would unfold.  Search away, but when you give up you have to give it to God!

A time to keep and a time to throw away....... I do not recommend keeping moldy bread or spoiled milk unless it is your child's science project.  I would say after the science fair that you can throw it away though! Seriously though there is a time for both.  I think at times we keep things as reminders so that we can feel closer to what we have lost, but as time goes you can get rid of things.  When Ethin passed away at first I kept everything.  As I started to loosen my grip I was able to see the J Triplets hurting and before I knew it I gave them each a blanket that had been Ethin's and they found comfort in that.  What I was keeping from them was what they needed most; a piece of their brother too.  Just the other day Tater Tot came from her room with a pair of Ethin's socks that she had stashed in her drawer.  She held them out and said, "Mom I don't need these anymore."  I had no idea she even had them and now they sit on my window sill.  I still need to learn what to throw away.

A time to tear and a time to mend......Sometimes we have to be torn apart to be mended back together.  It will likely hurt, but if we are being torn by satan I promise God will mend you!  The devil had a way of tearing into my life using my son's death as a way to ploy me from God's heart and love.  When I tore myself from that way of thinking God truly mended, still mends, and will forever mend my heart and life!

A time to be silent and a time to speak.......We all know when we should open our mouths and when we should keep it shut.  Sometimes it is better to speak little and say a lot than it is to speak a lot and say little! When in doubt though let this be your prayer!

A time to love and a time to hate.....I never been much of a hater, but I can tell you I hated the way I felt after losing my son.  I hated the anger, the hurt, the sadness, the emptiness and the plethra of other feelings. As time passed I learned that I hated that I had turned from God.  I hated who I was becoming!  I hated and still hate the devil for trying to destroy my eternal life.  I however love a God who has forgiven me and who welcomed me back with open arms and has held me every step of the way!  What a great Father I have! What a wonderful Friend I have in Jesus who I talk to and who died for me.  God is Love and that says it all!

A time for war and a time for peace.......Friends living on this very broken and imperfect Earth is the time for war.  There is a spiritual war for all of us.  The devil is tricky and cunning.  He will use everything to get you away from God.  Away from the knowledge that Jesus Christ died for us.  Away from the love of our Father.  The devil will use the worst things to turn you away even the death of my child was used.  Friends there is a time for peace and that is when the rapture takes place or you go to Heaven before that.  You can also find peace in your Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ with His Holy Spirit inside of you to fight the war.  I lost Ethin and there was a time period of war for my soul.  God won the war for my soul and I have internal peace even though part of me is in Heaven!

With Writers Cramp & God's Peace,

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Roses in December

I survived Thursday!  I cried, but that is OK.  I made it through the day.  It has been almost five years since he has been gone and while life is different and I cry less WAY less than I used to I still have bad days.  It is OK to cry, because I am human and God gave me tons of emotions.  He just ask that I trust Him in all those emotions.  So many times through the day when I cried I just prayed and asked God to take the hurt.  Just make the day better to live with.
Well God answers prayers!  I already knew He did, but what happened on Monday I do not find to be coincidental at all.  On Monday night I got a message from my highschool sweetheart who happens to be a very good friend of mine still.  I am still close with his whole family.  I even attend church with some of them. Anyhow he sent me a message and told me he was about to post a picture and it was not to take away from Ethin at all but that Ethin now shared his birthday!  J as we will call my friend for the protection of his privacy and his wife A delivered a healthy, beautiful, perfect, baby boy on January 9, 2014......Thank you God for giving me a reason to celebrate this day rather than mourn the whole day!
Anyone could have had a baby on Thursday, but it was not just anyone it was a very close and dear friend of mine.  A friend of mine who held me when I cried one night that I was home, because Ethin had been put back in ICU and intubated, a friend of mine that cried when he heard that Ethin had died, and this same friend who's family on the hard days think about me and pray for me.  I felt such overwhelming peace when J told me that him and A had their baby!  I felt as though Ethin was saying, "Mommy it's OK to celebrate today and every year after.  I now share my birthday with baby J"
This is what a Marilynn Willett Heaviin would call A Rose in December... was a book that she sent me after Ethin had passed away......
God's divine plans continued to unfold last night when I went to a hockey game with friends and straight across from me there was a red out section for Congenital Heart Defect Awareness!  The tickets and day were picked out way back in December....Coincidental?  I think not!  God has His loving hands in everything!  Even a hockey game!
As long as I am a bereaved mother I will continue to search for the Roses in December and this week God gave me two of them!  Finding God's Grace in my grief has not and is not always this easy, but I trust in Him that His Grace will always be sufficient!

With A Joyful Heart,

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Five Years Ago.....Happy Birthday Punk

Five years ago today Ethin was born.  I so often wonder what he would be like today.....Would he still have those beautiful blue eyes with that brown hair?  Or would he look more like the J Triplets and have grown into blonde hair?  Would he be a sports enthusiast like his sisters and I or would he rather just hunker down and read a book like his brother?  Would he love the river the way this family does or would he rather stay on the shore?  Would I be his favorite person and would he want to marry me like every little boy does with their mother?  
I will never know the answers to those questions while I am here on Earth, but I know one day I will walk into my eternal home and I am certain that there will be a little boy who will run and jump into my arms.  Until that day I know he is in the arms of Jesus for his birthday....Yes I am human and selfishly I wish he was in mine.  However that can not be and so if not in my arms I am glad he is in God's.
I am telling you that days like today never get easier.  I love God and have stopped asking why as I know His plans are so far beyond my understanding.  Even on Ethin's birthday today I am so thankful to God for choosing me to be his mommy!  Five years ago God gave me the gift of a son and even though his life was not long it was long enough to help fulfill God's will for my life and Ethin's whole life.  
Today is a hard day for me.  However hard it is I have a sense of peace about it.  I know Ethin is safe, healthy, and happy.  I know that God loves him and He loves me.  I know that I have cried already today and I will cry more.  I also know that I am not alone today.  I know that God is catching every tear and is carrying me today like He carried me for the last 4 1/2 years.  I know that I am not perfect nor am I all that strong.  I am however perfect as Ethin's mom and I have a Savior who is strong in me!  
It is OK that I cry today for my son or any other day.  God knows my pain, because He lost a son once too!  Yes today is hard and it seems unfair, but my son is safe in the arms of a King!  On my son's 5th birthday he is in the presence of angels.  My angel is among the angels.  My son gets to spend his birthday with the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, the Alpha and Omega, Ethin is with the Great I Am.
With tears in my eyes what a lucky boy to spend a birthday with a King, a Prince, a Savior, the Great I Am. 

Even though you are not here today I want you to know how much I love you.  I love you so much!  I wish we could be together, but that was beyond my control.  I prayed so much before you were ever born and so much for you during your life.  God heard every prayer and He answered the prayers.  You are safe, healthy, and I know you are happy.  His plans were not my plans, but His plans have become my way of life that He had in mind for both of us.  I am so proud of you and the life you lived.  I am forever thankful for you and can not wait to see you again.
From Earth to Heaven with tear soaked eyes Happy Birthday Punk I love you always!

Oh and just for the inside feed about what it is like to have a birthday come up after losing a child I thought I would share.....

It's knowing he would have been 5 today and instead he is not even here.......It's waking up everyday since he has been gone dreading this the most every year......It's people forgetting as times goes by and I feel so alone in the hurt.......It's wondering all about him knowing I will not know.......It's how you are supposed to celebrate birthdays but all you can muster out is tears......It's the wanting to stay in bed curled up with his things all day, but you can't life has gone on without him.........It's the wishing everyday since he has been gone for one more moment.....And worst of all it's the knowing that there are not enough birthday wishes for that one wish.......

With Many Tears,

52 Week Devotion Week 2 January 8, 2014

God's Plans

Tomorrow is a hard day for me. Tomorrow it will be five years ago that I gave birth to an amazing little boy his name is Ethin and he came into this world with half a heart. He would also go home to Jesus far before I thought it was time. I am not telling you this to hear you say I am sorry as I promise none are more sorry than I am. I am sharing this to write this weeks devotion as well as for you to have a better understanding of how I learned in 6 months and the years that would follow my son's whole life that God's grace is sufficient and His plans are worth following!

In the months that my son was alive he endured a plethra of surgeries and other medical procedures. There was a point in that time when I ran crying to the top of the parking garage and fell to my knees crying and begging God to save my son. Even more so I uttered the words, “God why have you forsaken me what did I do to deserve this!” In those moments I remember physically being cold, wet, and exhausted as well as emotionally and mentally beaten down, confused, and inconsolable. However there was a sudden warmth and I walked off the roof with a whole new attitude and dry knees......Just sayin the dry knees should have been impossible it was April in Ann Arbor, MI. Ahh that is right nothing is impossible with God!

As it would go I knew at that moment a number of things:
  1. My life would forever be different
  2. Ethin was on very borrowed time
  3. I would never regret taking to many pictures
  4. God was my strength
  5. And most importantly that God did not forsake me nor did He ever leave me!

God's plans are always far different than ours. I had a son that was conceived out of pure sin to come here and teach me to FULLY RELY ON GOD! Now understand that I know God did not make my son sick and God did not kill my son. However God did use something that satan tried to use to ploy me from my Father for His good. Look at what I am writing today! God used Ethin continually to show me in those months to trust Him and His plans. In the years that have followed I honestly know if God could carry me through what I honestly can tell you is Hell on Earth than there is nothing I can not trust Him with.

I have learned to trust God with all of my heart, my children, my finances, literally everything even where I attend church. I learned to pray more meaningfully and to listen for God's reply; which my friends is not always audible!

If you have a chance in the next week please sit and think about the last five years of your life and make a list of the areas or things in your life where you know God's Grace was sufficient and His plan hard/easy as it was, how it changed your life for better! I promise you that I have bad days, but I know my life is so much better off trusting him to guide my life!

Jeremiah 29:11, Joshua 1:9, Acts 20:24, Joshua 1:5

Blessings and Love,

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Snow More Fear

Well here we are after Christmas in Michigan in January with a monster daddy blizzard!  I love living in Michigan honestly I feel it is one of God's best pieces of work.  In one month we can experience all four seasons!  Where else can you find that kind of luck.....Said no one who is a true Michigander EVER!!!!

So I really am not all negative Nancy about the snow sure it is pretty and you can see God's hands all over every tree, but it makes driving conditions less than desirable!  So I have come up with a few tips to help people with their commutes in the bad weather.  Which just so we are all clear I drive 55 miles one way so no I am not talking about a drive around the corner to get to work.

Tips for Snow Fear when driving!

1. Heat up the car 10 minutes before leaving your home
2. Make sure you have winter gear in your car....Hat, gloves, snow pants, boots, warm jacket, and a blanket just to be on the safe side!
3. Right before you walk out the door PRAY!  God hears every prayer even the one that simply says, "God this is going to be a long drive and I am trusting your hands at the wheel of my car and every other driver out there; even the one passing me like a crazy person with four wheel drive!" AMEN!
4. As you start your drive do not tell God how bad the storm is.....Tell the storm how big your God is.
5. Trust in God no matter what, that you will be safe!  As bad it sounds if you arrive to where you are going in one piece or you arrive to an eternal snowless Heaven you are safe in his hands and secure in His love!!

So I am anxious tonight about the drive tomorrow, but rest assured I know it is in God's Hands!

Blessings and Safe Driving,

I Resolve........

Resolve- the trait of being resolute; firmness of purpose (N), Make clearly visible (V)

A new year is another chapter that is 365 days long of a new chapter you get to write in your book of life. You can resolve to change things or continue to do what you have done; this much is up to you. However I believe whole heartedly that it is essential to start this chapter with a resolution to recommit yourself to God your Father and Creator. While this is your life, it is Him in you that will see you through this year. To often we want to change our appearance, finances, relationships, jobs, and so on. I am a firm believer though that what we need to be doing is resolving to trust Him more, cry to Him, go to Him. God calls us His children and He wants to supply for our needs and collect our tears. He wants to get us through the tough stuff that may sneak upon us through this new chapter we call 2014. So instead of worrying about changing and resolving to make changes by yourself I encourage you to resolve to find Him. If you have already found Him then recommit yourself to Him and allow Him in you to make changes. This is my resolution for the year and I will sign this as a promise to myself and to my Father that I resolve to be better because of Him and what He has done for me and what He has given me; and that my friends, is the eternal hope of life everlasting!!!

I _____________________________________ Resolve these things on January ____, 2014
I resolve to put God first in my home, work, and everyday life and relationships. (Joshua 24:15)
I resolve to seek Him in ALL the things I do and say. (Matthew 6:33-34)
I resolve to be the type of woman that God calls me to be. (Romans 12:9-21)
I resolve to find my worth & beauty the way He sees my worth & beauty. (1Peter 3:3)
I resolve to allow His control in my life to lead my way. (Psalm 119:105)
I resolve to pray for my children, family, and friends. (Romans 12:12)
I resolve to be more humble to think of myself less. (Philippians 2:3-5)
I resolve to grow more in His grace through reading, praying, meditating, studying, and attending church. (2 Peter 3:18)
I resolve to teach my kids more and more about God. (Luke 18:16)
I resolve to be more careful with the words that are coming out of my mouth. (Ecclesiastes 10:12 & Matthew 15:11)
I resolve to proclaim my Creator God the Father as the Lord of my life and His son Jesus Christ as my personal Savior! (Romans 10:9)


Now that we have resolved our lives to God look back at the definitions I gave you for the word....Gives me chills friends what an awesome thing to be firm in purpose for my Father and to make it clearly visible to others! Oh Yes friends we got this, yes we do!

With Hope and Love for the New Year,